基本上这个Blog就是一直在重复着被我抛弃又用回的循环里。转眼回顾,上次在这里写东西已经是2年多前的事情… 现在我是想要用这个Blog来写些自己从来不会亲口对别人说的事情还有自己的想法。让一些真的想要了解我的人有这个机会听听我内心的声音。


zhongyuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jul 06 Sat 2013 20:35
  • ~~~~

Today I saw a tragedy from facebook, a 18years old girl had jump off from her condominium. Then I surfed check internet newspaper. Different newspaper has their own description about this incident. But all got write the simillar things that is, the dead had confided to her cousin she had been abbused by her mother and had the thought to die. The newspaper company said it is believed that the girl suicided because of this. But the mother said that she and her daughter's relationship was very good, only sometimes got a bit stern to her and it is for the daughter goods. However, the dead had already died, these all are not important anymore, but the thing I want to say is, there is no problem that cannot solve, as you are alive there will be a way to solve your problem. Don't cincai waste your life.


zhongyuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


this concert!!! I very very very very love this concert lo

zhongyuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Haiz very very sien

actually I got a lot of things want to share with other people in the heart

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